Wednesday, January 28

Comm Tech!

Link to Comm Tech blog now up --->

Tuesday, January 27


Graphic! Sheffield based painter, doodler, and designer.

Erasmus Schroeter

Thursday, January 8


-cozzzz its the brand, new, year

Pro X Fade

Monday, January 5


Hasn't just been turkey, mince pies, and beer 24/7 this Christmas break, - here's afew things I've been looking at for when we're due back.


And the best of the lot:

Mad-Decent festivity!

Festive jizz to all. Dan


Any type dilemmas,



Some designers I've been looking into who create images with typography. The hand-drawn element could be good for this project.

Fiodor Sumkin

Wieden & Kennedy, Serge Seidlitz, Si Scott


Russian prison imagery. Even the smallest detail can be interpreted as a biographical verse from the person's life..

"The skins they carried."

Quite overpowering examples of the contextual side of tattooing here. Three Texan soldiers take a trip to the American Illustrators shop...

The images they put on their skin are diaries they’ll take to the grave, marking the fear and bravado of war, the faith to make it through, and the losses they carry inside. “Tattoos are a way to solidify emotions,” Fry says. “So I try to just shut up and listen to what they have to say. It’s just part of it. I think people find it comforting to talk to a stranger who is doing something as intimate as piercing your skin.”
The Texas Observer (21/3/08)
Michael May

Skin Deep

Project's coming along okay. I've found out you can get your fish tattooed..

..or try it out on your pig..

..and that this guy exists.